TCG sees every negotiation as an opportunity for growth. In a competitive world of continually higher
standards, TCG negotiation experts help generate the ADVANTAGE that you need to prevail and grow.
TCG understands the challenges, approaches and possibilities that can transform the negotiation process
into a value creation, long-lasting relationship. We have global expertise developing comprehensive and
innovative agreements: agreements that have enabled growth, reduced costs, mitigated risk, facilitated
continuous improvements, ensured compliance, defined operational standards and KPI, establish
performance assurances and govern relationships.
TCG areas of negotiation excellence:
- Commercial negotiations
- Industrial (Direct and Indirect) negotiations
- Request for Proposal (RFP), Request for Information (RFI)
- Business Alliances and Joint Ventures
- Personnel Compensation packages
- Strategy/counter-strategy, tactics/counter-tactics, role-playing/training/mentoring